Woodland Trust press ad 1.jpg
Woodland Trust web banner.jpg

This was a lovely campaign to work on.

The Woodland Trust is the country’s largest woodland conservation charity with over 500,000 members and supporters and more than 1,000 sites, covering over 26,000 hectares all over the UK.

They stand up for woods and trees, they protect and campaign, and they plant trees and restore ancient woodland for the benefit of wildlife and people.

One of their campaigns, which I was lucky enough to work on, was designed to raise awareness of the threat to our native woodland from aggressive tree diseases.

One in particular, ash dieback was decimating large numbers of ash trees and the Woodland Trust wanted to tell people what was going on – and what they could be losing forever.

The campaign was based around the proposition, ‘Love it or lose it’ and people were encouraged to send in memories of their favourite trees to

Once on this microsite, they would also be told more about the work of the Woodland Trust and encouraged to become members.

A competition was also run alongside this fundraising drive: the best favourite tree memory would win a prize of a week’s luxury forest holiday for six people plus £500 spending money.

I worked in-house at the Woodland Trust and came up with all of the campaign headlines plus visual ideas for national press ads in the Times, Telegraph, Guardian, Independent and Sunday supplements, plus web banners and social media ads.

Jamie Hudson