Want to stop your emails going straight to spam?

Hire a pro email copywriter.

When email first came out, it was the Wonder Marketing Tool of the Future.

Just get a list of email addresses, bang out some emails and wait for the responses to come in. Boom. Direct mail is so last millennium. It’s dead.

How things have changed.

Now we all get countless emails every day, many of them spam. Yet important emails we need to read go straight into your Spam folder.

And now it’s made even more difficult by GDPR. We have to get permission before we can email anyone.

(And ironically, direct mail is making a comeback.)

But email is still a cracking way to keep in touch with colleagues and employees, customers and prospects, build relationships, and direct people to your store – both online and physical.

Get yours written by a professional email copywriter

An experienced email copywriter will start with the subject line. If it doesn’t grab people straight away and drag them in, then it’s game over.

The email copywriting itself will be short and punchy with plenty of links through to the relevant page on your website. It will have strong calls to action with smart design and enticing copy – not just CALL NOW! in bold.

When it’s written by an expert, your email campaign will bring you 7 big benefits:

  • It’s easy, effective and cheap

You can reach lots of people for almost nothing. Even with the explosion of new marketing platforms, tools and gizmos, business people keep coming back to email.

That’s because with the higher response rates that email marketing generates, you get more positive replies, more quickly and for less. It’s a win/win/win.

  • It’s better than social media for getting new customers

Obviously, social media is really important in your marketing mix. It’s great for engaging with your audience and building good personal relationships with them. In fact, it’s the perfect first step towards achieving your goal – bringing them on board as customers.

But when it comes to turning people into members, customers or supporters, nothing beats email marketing.

  • It can be totally personalised

When you write a social media post, you’re talking to a pretty large audience all at once. But when you email people, you’re talking one-to-one.

And your email marketing software should also let you give them news or special offers tailored just to them. Used properly and written by a skilled copywriter, email can build loyalty and trust in your brand.

  • It makes people take action

Think about it.

Over the last 20 years or so, email has already trained people to take action – Reply, Forward, Clickthrough, Order, Reserve, Sign-up, Browse, Delete or Archive.

This means that you can use emails to direct traffic to your website and boost sales. Transactional emails that demand action have 8 times more opens and clicks than other emails and can generate 6 times more revenue according to research by Experian.

  • It’s completely measurable

Just like direct mail, email marketing takes away all the guesswork.

You can find out exactly who opened your email, which links were clicked and who unsubscribed. So you can see just how well (or not) your email campaigns are performing, make tweaks and improve your results.

  • It builds you a mailing list that’s all yours

You can also use email to build up a list of subscribers. You can gather email addresses online using your website or social media, or offline using manual or automated data collection. Then you can create your own unique database of customers and prospects you can send all kinds of good stuff to.

Better still, this list and this precious data is all yours. If Twitter, Facebook or Google decides to change their algorithms again and your leads and customers can't find you, you can still contact them.

  • It’s constantly available on multiple devices

Email is constantly there.

And people are constantly checking them – queuing at McDonald’s, on the commute to work, walking around Tesco, even when they’re out for dinner with their husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend!

In fact, research by Exact Target showed that 91% of people use smartphones to get their email, compared to 75% who use their smartphones for social networking.

Emails are everywhere and people are always reading them. So make sure you don’t miss out on this essential marketing channel.

Get the Word Dept to write your next email campaign. Call 07966 196706 now, email jamie@worddept.com or use our dead easy Contact Form.