Mercedes-Benz motor insurance ad.jpg

One of the joys of being a copywriter is the chance to work on a whole variety of accounts.

Some will be one-man and woman bands and small local businesses – a property developer, a florist, a beautician, a mindfulness practitioner, an art gallery, an eye surgeon, even an undertaker. True.

And then some jobs will land in your lap which need copywriting for massive global household name brands, which are awesome.

One of my previous clients was a smallish design and digital agency near Milton Keynes.

One of the clients on their roster was Mercedes-Benz Financial Services. And I got to do a lot of the copy on a regular basis.

Great experience, great fun and you get some lovely work for your portfolio.

Plus, Mercedes-Benz also has a stake in Aston Martin, I got to write ads for them too.

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