As I mentioned in the Blog copywriting section of the Services page, I get asked to write a lot of blogs for people.
That’s because every company wants one, but hardly any want to actually write them. Which means that the Word Dept are often asked to do blog copywriting for businesses of all shapes and sizes.
This particular blog came from an extremely random contact from a company called Mint Twist. They got in touch and asked if I could write a blog on the creative ways that micro festivals are using social media.
Hmmm. What’s a micro festival?
They didn’t send any information over, so after quite a bit of online research I wrote the blog and fascinating it was too. What I did find out, but couldn’t include obviously, was that large music festivals like Coachella, Glastonbury and Tomorrowland use various social media platforms even more creatively.
You can read the full Mint Twist blog here.