It’s all about using the right words to change how people feel.


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So are you using the right words?

For your online content?

Do you need copywriting for your new website? New web content to freshen up your old site? Or are you looking for video scripts, social media posts, blogs or white papers?

And your offline copywriting?

Perhaps you want headlines and copywriting for an ad campaign, brochure, direct mail pack, recruitment ad, newsletter and more?

Whatever you need, I can handle it.

Your website copywriting, SEO copywriting, e-newsletter copywriting, email copywriting, blog copywriting, brochure copywriting, direct mail copywriting, advertising ideas and copywriting and straplines.

Want to see what the right words look like?

Here’s loads of copywriting and online content I’ve already written for a variety of clients.

Just tell the Word Dept what you want and I’m on it. I’ll give you a price - probably much less than you expect.

Then I’ll take your brief on the copy or content you need. And get to work.

So let’s get started.

Does your agency need a freelance copywriter?

Someone who’s experienced, quick and reliable. Who gets brand and tone of voice. And comes up with great ideas, killer headlines, cracking body copy and content. Someone who’s going to help you get more new clients and keep your current ones happy.



Does your business need copywriting or content?

You need someone who can guide you through the process. Talk to you about your company and what you do. And tell your story to the people you want to reach. Someone who’s going to help you build a strong, unique brand and bring in more business.


More leads, more sales and a stronger brand. What’s not to like?

Check out my copywriting services, see tons of work and get your quote today